Endometrial Receptivity Analysis (ERA)

The ERA technique allows to assess, from a molecular point of view, the status of women’s endometrial receptivity.

An endometrium is receptive when it is ready for the implantation of the embryo to take place, which usually occurs between days 19-21 each menstrual cycle. This period of receptivity is what we call the implementation window.

The lack of synchronization between a ready-to-implant embryo and a receptive endometrium is one of the causes of recurrent implantation failure. It is therefore important to evaluate the endometrium with the aim of establishing the optimal day for embryo transfer.

To perform the ERA test, an endometrial biopsy performed on day LH + 7 (natural cycle) or day P + 5 (substituted cycle) is required. The biopsy is taken by a gynecologist in your office easily and quickly. After its dispatch, we analyzed the expression of 236 genes involved in endometrial receptivity. A computer predictor of its own design analyzes the data obtained, classifying the endometrium as Receptive or Non-Receptive.

More information:
The Endometrial Testing ERA is a personalized genetic test to diagnose the state of receptivity of the endometrium in the window of implantation of the woman.

This molecular diagnostic tool allows the analysis of the expression levels of 236 genes related to endometrial receptivity status, through the sequencing of RNA obtained from endometrial tissue. A specific computer predictor classifies the samples according to their expression profile as Receptive or Non-Receptive. The Endometrial Receptor Test (ERA®) has been designed, developed and patented by IGENOMIX (PCT / ES2009 / 000386).

What is the ERA for?

This test has been tested in patients who have failed implantation with embryos of good morphological quality. This test is indicated for patients with apparently normal uterus and normal endometrial thickness (≥6 mm) in which these do not appear to be the problem.

The ERA test can also be performed in patients with atrophic endometriosis whose thickness never reaches 6mm consistently. However, if a patient with normal endometrial thickness presents a cycling cycle with growth below 6mm, we recommend canceling the cycle and starting a new cycle

Approximately 25% of these patients detect the displaced implantation window.
The analysis allows to determine the personalized implantation window and establish a personalized embryo transfer (pET) based on the result.

The Endometrial ERA Receptor Test should be recommended by a gynecologist and the results will be given by the physician. In no case will the results be sent to the patient. The doctor will be in charge of sending the report to the patient.